Monday, September 30, 2019

What are we??



Have you ever wondered ?While sitting on a calm day under tree "Why we are here on the earth?" .If your answer is yes then it is good we are on same track.While thinking about that you must have stuck at some points.Well! all does but today i will like to explain the some answer to the question what we are ,  which will answer why we are  here?


The answer to question lies in two theory-
1.Simulation theory -
 -This theory is  very hard to believe if you have never been to modern technology. This theory says that we are simulation in this universe meaning we are like the videogame characters . This whole universe is nothing but a program running on computer and human beings along with other species are character of this program .We are control by other beings. This theory predicts that some species that control us are able to make consciouness, which is impossible now.The most fantastic thing is that there is  a single proof but it is at very small scale. Scientists have found some type of code in the fabric of universe which proofs that we are simulation but it is not complete.Many scientist doesnot believe it but there are some giants like Elon musk , who believe in this theory. There are some incident in past which could be explain with the help of this. Before 14 years of incident of titanic one writer, whose name is Morgan Robertson, write a novel "Wreck of titanic " which told us about the incident happen to titanic .You may think that this is just concidence but the similarties between    the Titan and the Titanic go far beyond a name and an iceberg. The length of the titan was 800 feet, the Titanic 882. The speed at which the Titan cruised into the iceberg was 25 knots. The Titanic’s was 22.5. The Titan held 2,500 passengers. The Titanic held 2,200, though both had a capacity of 3,000.
Both ships were British owned. Both ships were hit on their starboard bow, around midnight. Both sank in the North Atlantic exactly 400 nautical miles from Newfoundland. Both had a severe lack of lifeboats, the Titan holding 24, and Titanic carrying just 20. Both had a triple screw propeller

2.God theory- This is not actually a theory but some kind of philisophy which is convencing. According to this the whole universe is made to make us mature to become god.Every person ,according to this theory, is you itself living in every time. So, this says that you were yourself Einstein,Newton,Hitler and Elon musk.You are born each time to get experience and this cycle continues upto the period which you mature to become god yourself. This theory suppprts all religion views .It does not disregrad any. If you think about this then you will find this true. So keep trying to imagine yourself what this theory had said to you.


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Black hole

what is Black hole?

Black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying.
Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. The special tools can see how stars that are very close to black holes act differently than other stars.
The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the event horizon. Although the event horizon has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, no locally detectable features appear to be observed. In many ways, a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light.

    Types of black hole

Black holes are of four type:-
(1) stellar, (2) intermediate, (3) supermassive, and (4) miniature. The most commonly known way a black hole forms is by stellar death. As stars reach the ends of their lives, most will inflate, lose mass, and then cool to form White dwarf.

Supermassive black hole

The largest black holes are called "supermassive." These black holes have masses that are more than 1 million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths. 
Small black holes populate the universe, but their cousins,supermassive black holes, dominate.
These enormous black holes are million or even billion of times as massive as the sun,but are about the same size in diameter. such black holes are thought to lie at the centre of pretty much every galaxy, including the Milky Way.
scientist aren't certain how such large black holes spawn .once these giants have formed, they gather mass from the dust and gas around them, material that is plentiful in the centre of galaxies, allowing them to grow to even more enoromous sizes.


what if you fall in black hole?

So what happens if you accidentally fall into one of these cosmic aberrations? Let's start by asking your space companion — we'll call him samm — who watches in horror as you plunge toward the black hole, while he remains safely outside. From where he's floating, things are about to get weird.
As you accelerate toward the event horizon, samm sees you stretch and contort, as if he were viewing you through a giant magnifying glass. What's more, the closer you get to the horizon the more you appear to move in slow motion.

You can't shout to him, as there's no air in space, but you might try flashing him a Morse message with the light on your iPhone (there's an app for that). However, your words reach him ever more slowly, the light waves stretching to increasingly lower and redder frequencies: "Alright, a l r i g h t,   a   l    r     i…"
When you reach the horizon, samm sees you freeze, like someone has hit the pause button. You remain plastered there, motionless, stretched across the surface of the horizon as a growing heat begins to engulf you.

According to samm, you are slowly obliterated by the stretching of space, the stopping of time and the fires of Hawking radiation. Before you ever cross over into the black hole's darkness, you're reduced to ash.
But before we plan your funeral, let's forget about samm and view this gruesome scene from your point of view. Now, something even stranger happens: nothing.

You sail straight into nature's most ominous destination without so much as a bump or a jiggle – and certainly no stretching, slowing or scalding radiation. That's because you're in freefall, and therefore you feel no gravity: something Einstein called his "happiest thought".
After that you are where nobody knows and that's the end of your life journey.

so , make sure yourself before thinking  of going to black hole.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Time travel ( The mysterious travel )

                               Time travel 

As everyone thinks of if time travel is possible we can change our past and see our future
but in present time nobody would able to travel or might somebody but we don't know about them . 

             Is time travel possible?

 If I say yes many of you really hard to believe but it's fact that it's possible and many of experiment was done over it but due to some reason that were not shows in front of world .
first we discuss how's time travel possible .
                                                                          It's possible if we'd somehow travel with speed of light or near it , then you travel in your future  but it is not practically done by anybody but scientist are working over it .
                                                But travel in your future might stuck you there and you'd never come to your present because according to scientist it is imposibble to travel in past .
 As you all know the world famous scientist stephen hawking who invited the time traveller for party, but no body comes and he said that it's possible to travel forward in time but it's impossible to travel back in time.
            But as we know everything is possible and this is what that might live our hope of travel back in time. And there are lot's of story where discussed about time traveller who came to past and told many incident that where going to happen in future , and there prediction or you may say news from future were right .

       you must heard about Noah a man who came from 2030 to 2017 and he reveal  much of future incident. And he even pass lie detector test, that's prove that he really come from our future .

       How'd time travel possible now?

        There's lot's of  resarch that shows that gravity influence the time .
 you are now on earth and enjoy your life with your collegues or classmates, 
suppose you are in school life and during this you got a chance to go in space you take leave with you parents and friends . you then spent 5 year in space and after that you came to earth then what you say it amzed!!! you that's your all friend have grandchildren now and your neighbour say your parent's die due to very old age , but you too amazed listening all of that because you only experience 5 yrs and you are only 5 yrs older than you leave the earth , but your friend experience say 40 yr after your leaving .(the data is only for understanding)

but it's all not a fact because time is relative not constant as expalined by Einstein it's mean time differ with your speed and position time can faster or slower.
As gravity increase time will slower that's because the person in space experience little faster time than on earth for him time move faster because there negligiable gravity present.

                       philadelphia experiment

The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment supposed to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943. They perform an experiment and during this experiment all peoples who were on ship were not informed about this, when this experiment started a green light ray emerge and ship was vanished in front of all people who were observing experiment.And  ship was found 1000 of km away from phiadelphia in virginia and after that it again disappear from there and appear in philadelphia all sailors and crew man were died there body were struck half into wall of ship, deck of it and some had only head and there body were disappeared and some people were missing even . And some which were alive gonna mad and disappear mysteriously within 20 day's after this of news spread that a crew member of ship who alive after that exp vanished after 15 days during eating his meal in front of his family. 
Afterward no such experiment were conducted.

                             Mysterious traveller

one of the unkown case recognise during airport check in france when a person appearence like businessman visited and during checkout when police look out his passport the  unkown name recognise by them which is 'TAURED' the name of country which do not exist yet , then police think it was printing mistake but man reveal that it's not printing mistake he belongs to 'Taured'  and lot's of time ge pass from there and many other country, thereafter he shows the genuine stamp over passbook one of from japan and many more then policeman shows him map and asked him to locate his country on map he located it between spaim and france .All members are confuse and thereafter they ask man to spent a night in hotel provided by them after some negotiation man was ready and spent night in hotel which was guarded under high security but when all open door next morning he was vanished and passbook which were preserve in police pocket was also vanished . 
some say he was the man from parallel earth which was transported in this world by mistake and at night he was vanished from this world and teleported to his earth
and that's why his passbook too vanished because it's not belong to this world. 
some says he came from future and went in future at that night and may be there will any country exist in future name 'TAURED'.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Time Travel (possible or not?)

In this world everything is possible means each and every .         then in our mind comes a question is time travel possible?         is there anyway to travel in past or future? Does any body         did it? a lots of question raise in our mind related time          travel. 

so guys let me tell you that there are lots of story over time travel , they might 
be true. 

scientist believes that this is possible & they are working over it. 

But here is story about a man who claims that he did time travel. 

                             The Third level ( time travel )

Other say there are two only two but,
I say there are three, because I’ve been
on the third level of the Grand Central
Station. Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step:
I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine,
among others. I told him about the third
level at Grand Central Station, and he said it was a waking-
dream wish fulfillment. He said I was unhappy. That made
my wife kind of mad, but he explained that he meant the
modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and all
the rest of it, and that I just want to escape. Well, who
doesn’t? Everybody I know wants to escape, but they don’t
wander down into any third level at Grand Central Station.
But that’s the reason, he said, and my friends all
agreed. Everything points to it, they claimed. My stamp
collecting, for example; that’s a ‘temporary refuge from
reality.’ Well, maybe, but my grandfather didn’t need any
refuge from reality; things were pretty nice and peaceful
in his day, from all I hear, and he started my collection.
It’s a nice collection too, blocks of four of practically every
U.S. issue, first-day covers, and so on. President Roosevelt
collected stamps too, you know.
Anyway, here’s what happened
at Grand Central. One night last
summer I worked late at the
office. I was in a hurry to get
uptown to my apartment
so I decided to take the
subway from Grand
Central because
it’s faster than
the bus.
Now, I don’t
know why this
should have
happened to
me. I’m just an
ordinary guy
named Charley,
thirty-one years
old, and I was wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw
hat with a fancy band; I passed a dozen men who looked
just like me. And I wasn’t trying to escape from anything; I
just wanted to get home to Louisa, my wife.
I turned into Grand Central from Vanderbilt Avenue,
and went down the steps to the first level, where you take
trains like the Twentieth Century. Then I walked down
another flight to the second level, where the suburban trains
leave from, ducked into an arched doorway heading for the
subway — and got lost. That’s easy to do. I’ve been in and
out of Grand Central hundreds of times, but I’m always
bumping into new doorways and stairs and corridors. Once
I got into a tunnel about a mile long and came out in the
lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. Another time I came up in an
office building on Forty-sixth Street, three blocks away.
Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a
tree, pushing out new corridors and staircases like roots.

There’s probably a
long tunnel that
nobody knows about
feeling its way under
the city right now, on its
way to Times Square, and
maybe another to Central Park.
And maybe — because for so many
people through the years Grand
Central has been an exit, a way of
escape — maybe that’s how the
tunnel I got into... But I never told
my psychiatrist friend about that
The corridor I was in began
angling left and slanting downward and
I thought that was wrong, but I kept on
walking. All I could hear was the empty
sound of my own footsteps and I didn’t pass
a soul. Then I heard that sort of hollow roar
ahead that means open space and people
talking. The tunnel turned sharp left; I went
down a short flight of stairs and came out
on the third level at Grand Central Station.
For just a moment I thought I was back on
the second level, but I saw the room was
smaller, there were fewer ticket windows
and train gates, and the information
booth in the centre was wood and old-
looking. And the man in the booth
wore a green eyeshade and
long black sleeve
protectors. The
lights were dim
and sort of
flickering. Then
I saw why; they
were open-flame

There were brass spittoons on the floor, and across
the station a glint of light caught my eye; a man was pulling
a gold watch from his vest pocket. He snapped open the
cover, glanced at his watch and frowned. He wore a derby
hat, a black four-button suit with tiny lapels, and he had
a big, black, handlebar mustache. Then I looked around
and saw that everyone in the station was dressed like
eighteen-ninety-something; I never saw so many beards,
sideburns and fancy mustaches in my life. A woman walked
in through the train gate; she wore a dress with leg-of-
mutton sleeves and skirts to the top of her high-buttoned
shoes. Back of her, out on the tracks, I caught a glimpse of
a locomotive, a very small Currier & Ives locomotive with a
funnel-shaped stack. And then I knew.
To make sure, I walked
over to a newsboy and
glanced at the stack of papers
at his feet. It was The World;
and The World hasn’t been
published for years. The lead story
said something about President
Cleveland. I’ve found that front page
since, in the Public Library files, and
it was printed June 11, 1894.
I turned toward the ticket
windows knowing that here — on the third level at Grand
Central — I could buy tickets that would take Louisa and
me anywhere in the United States we wanted to go. In the
year 1894. And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois.
Have you ever been there? It’s a wonderful town still,
with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous
trees whose branches meet overhead and roof the streets.
And in 1894, summer evenings were twice as long, and
people sat out on their lawns, the men smoking cigars and
talking quietly, the women waving palm-leaf fans, with
the fire-flies all around, in a peaceful world. To be back
there with the First World War still twenty years off, and
World War II over forty years in the future... I wanted two
tickets for that.

The clerk figured the fare — he glanced at my fancy
hatband, but he figured the fare — and I had enough for
two coach tickets, one way. But when I counted out the
money and looked up, the clerk was staring at me. He
nodded at the bills. ‘‘That ain’t money, mister,’’ he said,
‘‘and if you’re trying to skin me, you won’t get very far,’’
and he glanced at the cash drawer beside him. Of course
the money was old-style bills, half again as big as the
money we use nowadays, and different-looking. I turned
away and got out fast. There’s nothing nice about jail, even
in 1894.
And that was that. I left the same
way I came, I suppose. Next day, during
lunch hour, I drew three hundred dollars
out of the bank, nearly all we had, and
bought old-style currency (that really
worried my psychiatrist friend). You can
buy old money at almost any coin
dealer’s, but you have to pay a premium.
My three hundred dollars bought less
than two hundred in old-style bills, but I
didn’t care; eggs were thirteen cents a
dozen in 1894.
But I’ve never again found the
corridor that leads to the third level at
Grand Central Station, although I’ve tried often enough.
Louisa was pretty worried when I told her all this, and
didn’t want me to look for the third level any more, and
after a while I stopped; I went back to my stamps. But now
we’re both looking, every weekend, because now we have
proof that the third level is still there. My friend Sam Weiner
disappeared! Nobody knew where, but I sort of suspected
because Sam’s a city boy, and I used to tell him about
Galesburg — I went to school there — and he always said
he liked the sound of the place. And that’s where he is, all
right. In 1894.
Because one night, fussing with my stamp collection,
I found — Well, do you know what a first-day cover is?
When a new stamp is issued, stamp collectors buy some
and use them to mail envelopes to themselves on the very
first day of sale; and the postmark proves the date. The
envelope is called a first-day cover. They’re never opened;
you just put blank paper in the envelope.
That night, among my oldest first-day covers, I found
one that shouldn’t have been there. But there it was. It
was there because someone had mailed it to my grandfather
at his home in Galesburg; that’s what the address on the
envelope said. And it had been there since July 18, 1894
— the postmark showed that — yet I didn’t remember it at
all. The stamp was a six-cent, dull brown, with a picture
of President Garfield. Naturally, when the envelope came
to Granddad in the mail, it went right into his collection
and stayed there — till I took it out and opened it.
The paper inside wasn’t blank. It read:

The note is signed Sam.
At the stamp and coin store I go to, I found out that
Sam bought eight hundred dollars’ worth of old-style
currency. That ought to set him up in a nice little hay,
feed and grain business; he always said that’s what he
really wished he could do, and he certainly can’t go back
to his old business. Not in Galesburg, Illinois, in 1894. His
old business? Why, Sam was my psychiatrist.

⌨ This is real incident happen .... even there are lots of  such places exist which take you another side of this world in past or futur (which you call time travel) !! 

In upcoming articles we'll reveal such more stories. 

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Transgenic pets: not all fun and games

Ever have one of those groovy posters that glows
under a black light? Well, move that black light
over to the aquarium — there’s a new fish in town.
Originally derived from zebrafish, a tiny, black-
and-white–striped native of India’s Ganges River,
these glowing versions bear a gene that makes
them fluorescent. The little, red, glow-in-the-dark
wonders (one report calls them “Frankenfish”) are
the first commercially available transgenic pets.
Zebrafish are tried-and-true laboratory
veterans — they even have their own scientific
journal! Developmental biologists love zebrafish
because their transparent eggs make it simple to
observe development. Geneticists use zebrafish
to study the functions of all sorts of genes, many
of which have direct counterparts in other organ-
isms, including humans. And genetic engineers
have taken advantage of these easy-to-keep fish,
too; scientists in Singapore saw the potential to
use zebrafish as little pollution indicators. The
Singapore geneticists use a gene from jellyfish to
make their zebrafish glow in the dark. The action
of the fluorescent gene is set up to respond to
cues in the environment (like hormones, toxins,
or temperature; ) The transgenic
zebrafish then provide a quick and easy to read
signal: If they glow, a pollutant is present.
Of course, glowing fish are so unique that some
enterprising soul couldn’t let lab scientists have
all the fun. Thus, these made-over zebrafish
have hit pet stores. Many scientists don’t see
the humor in making transgenic fish available
to the public, however. The state of California
has banned their sale outright, and at least one
major pet store chain refuses to sell them. The
main objection so far seems to be an ethical
one — opponents object to genetic engineering
used for “trivial” purposes ( we uplod more article in
details about ethics and genetics). The U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has
deemed glowing zebrafish safe (they’re nontoxic,
and no, you won’t glow if you eat one).
A more serious and biologically relevant argument
against glowing exotic fish may be the threat of
invasive species. Invasive species present all
kinds of nasty problems for the environment.
For example, the reason you don’t enjoy home-
grown chestnuts in the United States anymore
is because an introduced plant disease literally
wiped out every single tree. Introduced insects,
plants, and animals represent an enormous
and expensive threat to agriculture worldwide.
Regular zebrafish already live in Florida’s warm
waters, along with a dizzying number of other
nonnative fish that collectively threaten to destroy
the native fish community entirely. Glowing fish
may be only the beginning, by the way. Reports
suggest that glow-in-the-dark lawn grasses and
grasses in unusual colors are in the works. And
remarkable glowing colors are only one possibil-
ity. One company has announced plans to make
hypoallergenic cats! (But don’t hold your breath;
animals don’t respond well to the random inser-
tion of genes into their chromosomes, so the
production of sneeze-free kitties is a distant

Thursday, September 12, 2019

SPOT THE FATTENING FOODS (facts and fallacies)

Here are some common fallacies about fattening foods and the real facts are 
  spotted out.
key word : fallacy= a false belief or a wrong idea.

FALLACY: Grapefruit will burn body fat.
FACT:Grapefruit has been the main ingredient in several "miracle"
           reducing plans.It's a fine food ,with relatively few calories
           plenty of vitamin C ,but it does not burn fat.unfortunately,
           no such fat-burning food has been discovered.

FALLACY:Bannanas are fattening.
FACT: Compared with an apple or orange, a banana has more carbohydates:
            yet the average banana has only 60 calories.
            A medium apple or orange has about 50 calories.

FALLACY:"Sugar-free" foods have fewer calories than those with sugar.
 FACT:  A product can claim to be made without sugar(sucrose) yet be loaded
             with other kinds of sweeteners that have about as many calories as sugar.
             Corn syrup, molasses and fructose are all high-calorie substitutes.when
              you buy something that says it has been made without sugar, check the list
              of ingredients and compare the calorie count with a similar product made
              with sugar.

FALLACY: Margarine has fewer calories than butter.
FACT:By law both butter and margarine must have the same fat content of 80℅,so
          you end up with the same amount of calories (about 100 per tablespoon ) for
          either butter or margarine. Diet margarines have about half as much fat and
          more water, and therefore fewer calories.

FALLACY: Foods like celery and apples have "negative calories" because of the energy
                  needed to chew and digest them.

FACT:A calorie is a calorie, whether you're eating apples or strawberry shortcake. An           
           average-size person burns only 0.3 additional calories per minute while eating.
           That means  a five-calorie stalk of celery would have to be chewed for 17 minutes
            to have no caloric value. you may have better things to do.

  FALLACY: Using "non-dairy" cream substitutes or dessert toppings  saves calories.

  FACT: Sorry. Non-dairy creams and toppings have more calories per tablespoon than
              milk itself, since most of them are made with coconut oil, which has the highest
              saturated-fat content of any vegetable oil.

 FALLACY:Your stomach shrinks as you diet.

  FACT:When you diet successfully, you get used to eating less food .your stomach stays
              the same.

tip- perform exercise with dieting give good result in fat burning. 20 to 30 min per day     
       exercise is enough to give you better result but proper diet,and rest is also required.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


     Plants depend on a variety of helpers to spread 
their seeds around: The wind, birds, animals, 
and waterways all carry seeds from one place 
to another. Most plants get along just fine with-
out humans. Not so with corn. Corn depends 
entirely on humans to spread its seeds; 
archeological evidence confirms that corn 
has traveled only where humans have taken it. 
What’s striking about this story is that modern 
geneticists have pinpointed the mutations that 
humans took advantage of to create one of the 
world’s most widely used crops.
Primitive corn (called maize) put in its first 
appearance around 9,000 years ago. The prede-
cessor of maize is a grass called teosinte. You 
need a good imagination to see an ear of corn 
when you look at the seed heads of teosinte; 
there’s only a vague resemblance, and unlike 
corn, teosinte is only barely edible — it has a 
few rock hard kernels per stalk. Yet corn and 
teosinte (going by the scientific name of Zea 
mays) are the same species.
The five mutations that turned teosinte into 
maize popped up naturally and changed several 
things about teosinte to make it a more palat-
able food source:
 ✓ One gene controls where cobs appear on 
the plant stalk: Maize has its cobs along the 
entire stem instead of on long branches like 
 ✓ Three genes control sugar and starch stor-
age in the kernels: Maize is easier to digest 
and better tasting than teosinte.
 ✓ One gene controls the size and position of 
kernels on the cob: Unlike teosinte, maize 
has an appearance normally associated 
with modern corn.

Humans apparently used teosinte for food 
before it acquired its mutational makeover, so 
it’s likely that people caught on quickly to the 
change that developed. The mutations of the 
aforementioned five genes were cemented into 
the genome by selective harvest and planting of 
the new variety. People grew the mutated plants 
on purpose, and the only reason corn is so 
common now is because humans made it that 
way. The first true maize crops were planted 
in Mexico 6,250 years ago, and, as a popular 
addition to the diets of people in the area, its 
cultivation spread rapidly. Archeological sites 
in the United States bear evidence of maize 
cultivation as early as 3,200 years ago. By the 
time Europeans arrived, most native peoples in 
the New World grew maize to supplement their diet.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

NATURE's Gender bender !! (sex changing )

Some organisms have location-dependent sex
determination, meaning the organism becomes
male or female depending on where it ends up.
Take the slipper limpet, for example. Slipper lim-
pets (otherwise known by their highly sugges-
tive scientific name of Crepidula fornicata) have
concave, unpaired shells and cling to rocks in
shallow seawater environments. (Basically,
they look like half of an oyster.) All young slip-
per limpets start out as male, but a male can
become female as a result of his (soon to be her)
circumstances. If a young slipper limpet settles
on bare rock, it becomes female. If a male
settles on top of another male, the one on the
bottom becomes a female to accommodate the
new circumstances. If a male is removed from
the top of a pile and placed on bare rock, he
becomes a she and awaits the arrival of a male.
After an individual becomes female, she’s stuck
with the change and is a female from then on.
Some fish also change sex depending on their
locations or their social situations.   

wrasse, large reef fish familiar to many scuba
divers, change into females if a male is present.
If no male is around, or if the local male disap-
pears, large females change sex to become
males. The fish’s brain and nervous system con-
trol its ability to switch from one sex to another.
An organ in the brain called the hypothalamus
(you have one, too, by the way) regulates sex
hormones and controls growth of the needed
reproductive tissues.
To add to the list of the truly bizarre, a para-
sitic critter that lives inside certain fish has an
unusual way of changing gender: cannibalism.
When a male Ichthyoxenus fushanensis, which
is a sort of parasitic pill bug (you may know the
isopod as a roly-poly), eats a female (or vice
versa), the diner changes sex — that is, he
becomes a she. In the case of the isopod, the
sex change is a form of hermaphroditism where
the genders are expressed sequentially and in
response to some change in the environment or diet.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Electric force

Consider a force like gravitation which varies predominantly inversely as the square of the distance, but which is about a billion-billion-billion-billion times stronger. And with another difference. There are two kinds of “matter,” which we can call positive and negative. Like kinds repel and unlike kinds attract—unlike gravity where there is only attraction. What would happen?
A bunch of positives would repel with an enormous force and spread out in all directions. A bunch of negatives would do the same. But an evenly mixed bunch of positives and negatives would do something completely different. Theopposite pieces would be pulled together by the enormous attractions. The net result would be that the terrific forces would balance themselves out almost perfectly, by forming tight, fine mixtures of the positive and the negative, and between two separate bunches of such mixtures there would be practically no attraction or repulsion at all.
There is such a force: the electrical force. And all matter is a mixture of positive protons and negative electrons which are attracting and repelling with this great force. So perfect is the balance, however, that when you stand near someone else you don’t feel any force at all. If there were even a little bit of unbalance you would know it. If you were standing at arm’s length from someone and each of you had one percent more electrons than protons, the repelling force would be incredible. How great? Enough to lift the Empire State Building? No! To lift Mount Everest? No! The repulsion would be enough to lift a “weight” equal to that ofthe entire earth!

With such enormous forces so perfectly balanced in this intimate mixture, it is not hard to understand that matter, trying to keep its positive and negative charges in the finest balance, can have a great stiffness and strength. The Empire State Building, for example, swings less than one inch in the wind because the electrical forces hold every electron and proton more or less in its proper place. On the other hand, if we look at matter on a scale small enough that we see only a few atoms, any small piece will not, usually, have an equal number of positive and negative charges, and so there will be strong residual electrical forces. Even when there are equal numbers of both charges in two neighboring small pieces, there may still be large net electrical forces because the forces between individual charges vary inversely as the square of the distance. A net force can arise if a negative charge of one piece is closer to the positive than tothe negative charges of the other piece. The attractive forces can then be larger than the repulsive ones and there can be a net attraction between two small pieces with no excess charges. The force that holds the atoms together, and the chemical forces that hold molecules together, are really electrical forces acting in regions where the balance of charge is not perfect, or where the distances are very small.
You know, of course, that atoms are made with positive protons in the nucleus and with electrons outside. You may ask: “If this electrical force is so terrific, why don’t the protons and electrons just get on top of each other? If they want to be in an intimate mixture, why isn’t it still more intimate?” The answer has to do with the quantum effects. If we try to confine our electrons in a region that is very close to the protons, then according to the uncertainty principle they must have some mean square momentum which is larger the more we try to confine them. It is thismotion, required by the laws of quantum mechanics, that keeps the electrical attraction from bringing the charges any closer together.
There is another question: “What holds the nucleus together”? In a nucleus there are several protons, all of which are positive. Why don’t they push themselves apart? It turns out that in nuclei there are, in addition to electrical forces, nonelectrical forces, called nuclear forces, which are greater than the electrical forces and which are able to hold the protons together in spite of the electrical repulsion. The nuclear forces, however, have a short range—their force falls off much more rapidly than  1/r2. And this has an important consequence. If a nucleus has too many protons in it, it gets too big, and it will not stay together. An example is uranium, with 92 protons. The nuclear forces act mainly between each proton (or neutron) and its nearest neighbor, whilethe electrical forces act over larger distances, giving a repulsion between each proton and all of the others in the nucleus. The more protons in a nucleus, the stronger is the electrical repulsion, until, as in the case of uranium, the balance is so delicate that the nucleus is almost ready to fly apart from the repulsive electrical force. If such a nucleus is just “tapped” lightly (as can be done by sending in a slow neutron), it breaks into two pieces, each with positive charge, and these pieces fly apart by electrical repulsion. The energy which is liberated is the energy of the atomic bomb. This energy is usually called “nuclear” energy, but it is really “electrical” energy released when electrical forces have overcome the attractive nuclear forces.
Lower case Greek letters
and commonly used capitals










xi (ksi)

chi (khi)



Energy from food

Energy is your power supply. Virtually every mouthful of food you eat is burnt or metabolised by your body cells to give you energy, even when it doesn’t give you many other nutrients. The amount of energy released from food in this way is measured in kilocalories (kcal) or in kilojoules (kJ). Kilojoules is the standard international (SI) unit for energy and as such is the more scientifically accurate way to express energy. However, most of us are more familiar with food energy expressed as kcals or even more usually as calories.

One kilocalorie is equal to one calorie, which isequal to 4.18 kJ.   However, all you need to know for now is that food is the fuel on which your body runs. If you don’t eat enough food, you won’t get enough energyYour body needs other nutrients to build, maintain, and repair tissues. Nutrients also empower cells to send messages back and forth and conduct essential chemical reactions, such as the ones that make it possible for you to move, see, hear, eliminate waste, and do everything else natural to a living body.
Essential nutrients for pot plants and pampered pets
Many organic compounds (substances similar to vitamins) and elements.(minerals) are an essential part of the diet for your green or furry friends but not for you, because you make them yourself from the food you eat. Two good examples are the organic compounds choline and myoinositol. Choline is an essential nutrient for several species of animals, including dogs, cats, rats, and guinea pigs. It is essential for human beings because it forms part of cell membranes and helps form nerve-endings in the brain, but the human body produces choline on its own. You can get extra choline from milk, eggs, liver, and peanuts. Myoinositol is an essential nutrient for gerbils and rats, but human beings synthesise it naturally and use it in many body processes, such as transmitting signals between cells.
Here are some more nutrients that are essential for animals and/or plants but not for you::!!

In next article we'll give you some more important knowledge!!
hope this is beneficial for you !!

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                                  l   Introduction Have you ever wondered ?While sitting on a calm day under tree "Why we...